Materials & Colors

This chair is available in several materials and colors. Find yours at Resellers.

Classic Core+

Classic, a soft comfortable saddle with a wide seat. Height and tilt adjustment levers are located under the seat.

Here equipped with the Core+ backrest.


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1270 €

(incl. 25% VAT)

Total price: 10,176.00 Skr

  • Manufactured to order, about 3 weeks delivery time
  • 5-year warranty
  • Find your Resellers

Materials & Colors

This chair is available in several materials and colors. Find yours at Resellers.


The Classic saddle chair is suitable when you want a soft and comfortable saddle chair with a slightly larger, wider seat. You sit a little lower on this saddle chair and through larger wheels (65 mm) you move easily when sitting down. You can easily adjust the seat angle and seat height so you can vary your sitting during the day.

A relaxed sitting position occurs when the pelvis tips forward and an open angle in the hip is created. Then the short back muscles between the vertebrae relax and you get a good posture in the back. This allows you to reduce the load on the disks.

Classic is suitable for both women and men.

Here with the Core+ backrest to give you extra support and help you maintain good posture.

A foot control for height adjustment with the foot is a practical option.

The dimensions of the seat are 36 * 45 cm.